Monday, June 13, 2011

Letters and Nature

During these past few weeks, I've been busy making jewelry for the Artists' Market, searching for places to live in South Miami, and searching for jobs! My dear boyfriend and I are moving at the beginning of August, and these obligations leave me little time to blog! I did, however, stumble upon these beautiful rock magnets as I was busy being distracted at work today. I am extremely excited to decorate our new home and make it warm, natural, and welcoming. It's always great to get inspiration from other artists who make the most beautiful accents from nature. These are perfect if you have children, or if you're into leaving your housemate/significant other messages on the fridge! What an easy DIY craft! We live on lake superior and I always gather lake stones to make macrame necklaces, so I'm sure I have enough laying around in my back room to create these!

Rock Magnets